I Remember

I remember when I hated holidays
Didn’t want to come home, will rather be out
I’ll pray resumption time comes fast
To leave for school and not have to face you
I remember that I loved to travel
I did and still do but you were more motivation
I remember when I got 3 months of holidays after 2 years stay in school
I was happy I passed my MBBS exams yet sad I’ll be home for that long
So I picked the elective posting letter even when real clear I could avoid it

I remember Mum’s call telling me you were ill
You had a severe headache
Was referred from Doma to Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital Lafia where I was doing my elective posting
I remember I came to see you immediately
Did the best I could do
With my ward coat routines where faster
Made sure someone attended to you fast and ran to and fro to get you a folder

I prayed you get better on a daily basis
Yet avoided coming to see you as much as I could
I loved you – I never stopped
I just disliked being with you as we had little in common
To make matters worse you were sick and depressed
An environment I avoid whenever I can
Thank God mum was with you while step-mum took care of the kids at home
You got better then worse, relapse ‘pon relapse
You were stabilized and then referred to Jos University Teaching Hospital
To get a CT Scan and aid confirming the diagnosis
DASH had done its best to stabilize you
Now JUTH must diagnose and give better care

I remember when Mummy called me again
You had collapsed on arrival in JUTH
I remember my journey from Kaduna to Jos
Filled with thoughts upon thoughts-how did we get here?

I remember growing up You loved me I loved back
You were proud of me, you were my hero too
I remember how you trained me with love yet firm
I’ll cry and cry but you won’t stop the lessons till I learned
I remember always being atop in my class
Famed the youngest and best – but always bullied by mates
But at home, you comforted me and taught me that the best is all I must always be.
I have a great passion to learn; You did too, always read, so I got that from you
You did your best to give me the best and that help made me who I am and who I aim to be

I remember when the anger started to build
Then came secondary school – which drove us farther apart
Thinking about it I realize how a simple misunderstanding can lead to war
I remember my resolve to bring an end to it all I stayed with you for a while. Spoke to you as it lasted
Then I had to leave for Lafia again
I prayed for you and looked forward to seeing you home
That did happen but I saw your body alone
Your spirit had left… For the better home

I remember your last words to me
“Where God is, You should be. Where He isn’t, You should leave.
You can take care of the family, God is with you.
You are just 21years old, yes I know, but I also know you can”

It’s a year now Dad since you left to be with the Lord but memories of the great times we had stay with us. We always miss you, some hard times make it even more so but the resilience and “never give up” spirit you taught us help us overcome. Onyeka and Ojito are growing up strong and I wish you could see the joy expressed in smiles on their faces when they play. I love you, Dad. I always will but God loves you more.

In loving memory of
Mr Abraham Likita Ojito
1962 to July 29th, 2013

Thanks for the time spared to read this. Please endeavour to leave your comments behind. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

17 thoughts on “I Remember

  1. Just hearing of your loss from Adeka on the whatsapp group… May his soul rest in perfect peace. I pray God gives you the strength and fortitude to take care of your siblings…


  2. Very touching…may his soul continue to rest in peace. He must be proud of u cos he helped to create such a wonderful human being-u.


  3. It’s only very rarely that we see someone write about their emotion brilliantly, yet objectively. Lucky is one, he had written in a way we all hope we could, and wrote about the things that afflict our age- Parental Alexithymia. This is a classic for me, and sure same for the goodman it was dedicated.

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